Filing Date:

Generally March 1; contact your regional NTHP office for details.


Non-profit organizations and public agencies. Individuals and for‐profit businesses may also apply—but only if the project for which funding is requested involves a National Historic Landmark. Applicants must be members of the National Trust for Historic Preservation at the Organizational Level Forum or Main Street America levels.


The program supports projects that aim to save historic environments in order to foster an appreciation of the nation’s diverse cultural heritage and to preserve and revitalize the livability of the nation’s communities. Funds may be used for professional advice; conferences, workshops and education programs; and restoration, rehabilitation and preservation of designated historic sites and structures. Funds might be used to obtain the services of consultants with expertise in areas such as architecture, planning, economics, archeology, fundraising, media relations, education or graphic design.

Any documents or plans for preservation work that result from the project must conform to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Grant projects must begin within six months of award date. Failure to begin the project in this timeframe may result in the cancellation of the grant and you will need to reapply for funding.

For example, the City of Des Moines Parks and Recreation Department, Des Moines, Iowa, received $4,000 to develop a historic preservation plan for Fort Des Moines in order to preserve the site’s cultural landscape and prioritize the restoration needs of the structure. An organization interested in preserving/restoring an historic station could be in need of similar resources.


Grants range from $2,500 to $15,000. Applicants must be capable of matching the grant dollar-for-dollar; donated materials and services are not eligible sources of a match. Applicants are encouraged to complete the application with the aid of the regional National Trust office serving their state.

Additional Details

National Trust for Historic Preservation – Johanna Favrot Fund