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Federal-State Partnership for State of Good Repair Grant Program


Filing Date:



Applicants may include a state, group of states, interstate compact, public agency or publicly chartered authority established by one or more states; political subdivision of a state; Amtrak, acting on its own behalf or under a cooperative agreement with one or more states; and any combination of the entities described above. Applications must identify a lead applicant.


The program funds projects to repair, replace or rehabilitate qualified railroad assets to reduce the state of good repair backlog and improve intercity passenger rail performance. Projects should include components that reduce emissions, promote energy efficiency, increase resilience and recycle or redevelop existing infrastructure. Eligible capital projects include those to replace existing assets in-kind; replace existing assets with assets that increase capacity or provide a higher level of service; ensure that service can be maintained while existing assets are brought to a State of Good Repair; and bring existing assets into a State of Good Repair. Qualified railroad assets as noted above are owned or controlled by an eligible applicant and may include stations, including station buildings, support systems, signage and track and platform areas.

For example, under the Fiscal Year 2017-18 grant program, the city of New Orleans received up to $3.8 million to complete final design and construction activities to upgrade the platforms and train servicing capabilities at the city-owned, Amtrak-served New Orleans Union Passenger Terminal. The platform modifications were designed to bring the platforms into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Additional work was meant to expand the rail platform canopy and update the lighting, electrical, air and water systems that service trains at the station.


There is no minimum or maximum dollar threshold for awards. The maximum federal share of total projects costs is 80%. The Federal Railroad Administration will provide selection preference to applications where the proposed federal share of total project costs is 50% or less. The non-federal share may be comprised of public sector (state or local) or private sector funding. For large-scale projects, applicants are encouraged to propose elements that have operational independence.


$235 million (FY 2021)
$291 million (FY 2020)
$396 million (FY 2019)
$272 million (FY 2017-18)

Additional Information:

Federal Railroad Administration – Federal-State Partnership for State of Good Repair Grant Program